Monday, November 21, 2011

Destin 2011

Well, I am playing Blog Catchup again!! Part of the reason I have not blogged is becasue I dreaded posting the 170+ vacation pics! So I made a deal with myself that I would post about 20 of my favorites!! We had a great time at the beach on Fall Break! We stayed in a different house with its own hot tub and pool. We also had a "carriage house" this time too which Papaw and Rue Rue enjoyed! This year my cousin Gwyn and her children, Ian and Allison went with us (along with my parents and Jeff's parents). We all had fun, especially the kiddos! Braden LOVED the beach. He was only 9 months old the last time we went so he was thrilled with the sand and water. Looking forward to another great time next year!!!

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