Sunday, November 09, 2008

Quality Time with Mommy

Even though I teach just 2-3 days a week, I still suffer from mommy guilt. When I am off on Thursdays and Fridays I have a TON of things to do. Brooks and I go to the gym, grocery shop, run other errands, clean the house, and I work on a lot of 31 stuff. Lately, I feel like even though I am with him, I am not spending the quality time that I need to with him. So I have decided that we are going to try to do one "big" activity a week. Just something fun that we can enjoy together. This week since it was mid-7o's in November, we decided to go to the park. We took a picnic lunch and played and played. We both enjoyed it!
With life being so hectic, I don't want to miss out on what is most important!

A big CHEESE after a big slide!
Brooks climbed this rock wall all by himself!
His favorite activity is throwing things into the it was sticky pine cones!

I LOVE spending time with my sweet boy!

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