Sunday, June 15, 2008

VBS Week

This week was VBS at church. Our theme was Heroes of the Bible. It was for ages 3 years old - 6th grade, but since I was helping, Brooks went along and was in the 3 year old room. His great teachers were Mrs. Jessica and Mrs. Lauren. He LOVED it! His favorite part were the puppets. He talked about them all week! I had the important job of being the snack lady. I made several trips to the store to ensure that our VBS'ers were well fed!

Brooks ready for his 1st day!
Playing a game.

Brooks and Lydia showing off Joseph that they made.

Ahhhh - the puppet room!

Playng another game

Pierce went too. . . he was so good!

I went to pick Brooks up one day and his name tag was stuck in his hair. Too funny!

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